Under review


Mac 7 years ago updated by ticklefarte 7 years ago 5

Two things about the skins, are they just for aesthetic? And two, why are they so expensive? You earn 1 coin per kill, so you would need 24000 kills for the last skin

Under review

You get as many coins as many kills your opponent have.
I will be balancing the prices - I don't know yet how fast can players gather coins.

Ok that's a great idea


Kind of interesting way of doing it; I rather like how it can actually help those who aren't always winning.  I usually sit at the top with 10, 20, 30 + kills. Most people I kill only net me one or two gears.  However when someone does get me they score big time!  

An update on this, it might just be the times I play, but I rarely see a leader with over 10 kills, it takes a while to get even 100 cogs

Nah, you might be playing at the wrong time or something. I've tackled leaders with over 30 kills multiple times. Hell, I've been the leader with over 30 kills multiple times as well. Been pretty easy for me to rack up gears.