
My first post!(here)

Ukryty 7 years ago updated by savage doge 7 years ago 14

It is me. Ukryty. Oh wait, you saw my nick in wilds.userecho.com or wilds.io, right?

Today I played mechar.io. Game is great, but it's very similar to wilds.io. Ranks of arena under nickname (?!?!??!), wilds.io sounds (some), green and red points with smile or X on it - it's in 23% wilds. I want to feel out from wilds for even a moment in your games, and I understand it can need some time, but please - it's mechar, not mechilds.io. I post it as an idea, because you still didn't created post category "Other".

i am savage doge what you just met

Privet, Hola, Witam, Hello, Hi, Gutentag, Konichiwa, Ni hao :D

I forgot something?

Let's race in creating comments! (joke)

there is a category called 'praise'

Pleasure, Phroenix

Stop speaking like that.