
ideas to inprove the gameplay

Braian Montenegro 7 years ago updated by Phroenix 7 years ago 3

first look at slay one, to change the weapon just need to scroll,people can just adjust the veiw with the key manually or the same as wilds just put them up left, change the weapons with scroll its the better idea, you can keep the numbers too,  some weapons are broken AF and for some reazon the misile one can kill some  people at 1 hit and some with 4 all direct hits with no shield veing used, i tested on AFK players, the electric one (the slow one) must act like a flame trower cause its useless now, even the circularsaw its useless,  i like the idea of the tacke  but i confuse it with dash and shield so i en up left clicking and dashing buts that´s on wilds players, or just me.

another thing is that you can still have the weapons after you.. die? idk if there is people there or just mechanical things like medabots, the bombs one its just for when you are runing away  because its slower than yourself, it can be better if they shot them directly at the ground, make it so 2 or 3 rockets can kill you not just one if posible .. that´s all i can remember now, i didnt had any of the bugs on the gameplay unless is when you dash close to some walls you get there but i dashed out of there 2 secs later...

The electronic lazer thing (#7) is actually pretty good as a close range weapon but only if you use it with your shield on.