
Shotgun OP?

RallyPoint 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

Shotgun is still OP as fuck. You can just dominate the game by whoring it up so you always have tons of ammo, play aggressive, spam mines, and blast the fuck out of everyone. I have little trouble going against 2 mediocre players at a time. Last game I wasn't even really trying that hard and racked up a 40+ kill streak. The ONLY weapon I used was the shotgun. I rarely had to run from anyone to restock or repair. The only people who even stood a chance would just rage quit.

Each 'pellet' does too much damage individually. Even though it spreads greatly you can still spam it on people down the hall who are running away and kill them easily. Most encounters in the base are in close quarters anyway which is where it shines.

Ideas: I don't think it needs ALL of these. I'm just tossing around ideas to dial it in.

  • Lower damage per pellet. So a full barrage hurts really bad but taking a pellet or two at longer range is no big deal.

  • Increase the bloom so it spreads more. Again it's dangerous in close quarters but less at medium to long range.

  • Any way to do some sort of damage drop off over distance traveled? Then you could leave pellet damage the same but dial it in based on distance. So at point blank it does full damage but at medium range it does half damage and long range it's like 1/4 damage. This could be a neat feature for tuning other weapons tool. For example the rocket launcher or rail gun could be the opposite. The rocket would gain velocity over distance and do more damage.

  • Lower it's velocity.  

If you look at that way. All the weapons are OP.

Not following your logic.  The Flack Cannon out performs all other weapons even if you try to play the same aggressive style... actually it out performs other weapons ESPECIALLY if you play aggressive against someone using the Flack.  However if you try to keep your distance and use something like the Railgun or Rocket Launcher you still don't stand a chance; I can spam them down the hall, strafe around avoiding your precise shots, and it doesn't matter how bad my aim is because the Flack fills the whole hallway.  No matter what some hit, each pellet does too much damage, and you will die or at best retreat.  Not to mention the Flak destroys the Rockets before they even get close.  


shotgun is very good only in close range/medium range and i not have problems with shotgun users. With good timing you can use shield, and shoot when enemy can't hurt you.

Not saying it's impossible to beat a Flak user.  What I'm saying is that it's disproportionately better in more than close range.  The game favors aggressive, close range, combat anyway (tight map, 'dashing', etc).  Trying to engage at long range isn't really any advantage.  You can still spam Flak down at people long range and be a lethal threat.  It's stupid easy to avoid long range precise weapons.  It's hard to avoid the Flak because it blooms out and takes up the whole corridor. 

Also I'd wager you're an above average player.  The majority of players just get dunked on by anyone playing aggressive + Flak.