
Buff the tesla cannon, or nerf shotgun.

Lear 7 years ago updated by Egzekutor 7 years ago 6

Why? Because the shotgun outperforms the tesla cannon in every way as a superior close-range weapon. 

Usually I elaborate, but there really isn't much else to say. Anybody who plays with or against these weapons knows that shotgun one-ups tesla cannon completely.

This can be argued for — being a very stingy topic. The shotgun is overpowered at close range but the tesla cannon is overpowered at long range. Wouldn't that be a great difference in why the weapons should remain as they are?

I'm talking about the short range beam cannon, not the sniper one.

Tesla cannon seems underpowered at first, but it is the only weapon that can be fired while your shield is up. I don't know if this is by design but I think that unique functionality makes it balanced even though it is weaker than other weapons.

As for the shotgun (flak cannon), it does seem a bit OP. It's certainly the weapon I use the most, followed by the grenade launcher. Switching between flak and rocket is a particularly good combo.

Flack Cannon (shotgun) is OP.  I'm not sure the Tesla needs a buff but I know for sure the Flak Cannon needs a nerf.  

Tesla has been buffed

Hymm flak cannon also have very small  amount of ammo and you can always use shield when enemy shooting. With rockets/laser you can shot and shield, what is best for spammers.