
Player Stats

Mac 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 9

Players can have their own profiles, with their mech in the top left corner of their profile, their name to the right of that, and an info box below. There could be KDR, total kills, total deaths, most kills in one game, etc.

yay i am first xD

Am I the only one who is relieved there's no KDR tracker? 

...why would it be a bad thing that there's no K/D stat? I want to know how well i'm doing in the game.


He might have a bad KDR?

Doubtful but really don't know... and don't care.

Maybe you care about stats... like how I have the most kills ?  

I'm just here to have a blast.  

It starts to suck the fun out of the game when you focus on stats.  You take less risks and the whole game becomes a risk calculation simulator instead of a fast paced action game.  

Maybe the option to hide your stats?

If they must be added... please give us this option.  

Lol I would think that i have a good kdr but you never know