Under review

Zoom In/Out

Mac 7 years ago updated by mechariogame 7 years ago 3

You can only zoom in and out a certain amount, if you go past the limit it only zooms out chat/leaderboard


I like that there's a max zoom out level.  I wish it was more limited.  It's stupid easy to pick off people from max weapon range.  Clearly most people don't zoom out.  Perhaps the game could default to 50% zoom ?  It's pretty terrible playing fully zoomed in.  You're at a massive disadvantage at the default zoom level vs those who are zoomed all the way out.  


I just don't like how zoomed in it is. Maybe set the default zoom level a bit lower?

Under review

First of all use CTRL + 0 to reset your browser zoom

Then use + / - (without ctrl) to adjust game camera zoom