
Add Gun Shop v2

Seva Kotletki s pureschoy 7 years ago updated by savage doge 7 years ago 3

Ok Patryk is post it, but his post dont have a desc, And i decide to make my own idea about this.

First=add a specal Space Coins it drops from players *like from Wilds.Io* 

Second=Add weapons shops where you can buy some BIG GUNS)))))  s

shotgun 5 coins, GrenadeLauncher 10 coins RocketLauncher 20 coins LightingGun 30 coins, and TeslaCannon 40 coins. 

*P.C Patryk-you make a mistake in your posting, and i try to rework your post* 

idea by Patryk

Rework of idea by Seva

Oh sorry LightingGun its a TeslaCannon and TeslaCannon is a RailGun


I think the default weapons should stay as they are, and there could be new weapons, like flamethrower, in shop