Your comments

Good god each post you make seems to progress to becoming a healthy and constructive forum user good job seva!

wow something that you have said without !!!!! or ???? or CAPITALS. Good job Seva im really proud

That would be cool and then maybe you can have those parked mechs with arms be replaced with actual ones to get back into but yeah I wouldnt mind the exact same wilds characters just with gray outfits (use another colour too)

Favicon means the icon on the top beside the tab

You see my pointer? Thats the favicon so hes saying thats the same as wilds I believe.

mhmh true...

To be honest it seems fine but there could be a change where you can pay scrap pieces (idk a currency I made) to buy a skin for the shield? It has potential imo

Howabout that juggernaut thing (i dont play cod) but it seems pretty cool