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A small robot and his mother were on their way to buy some engine oil when the sky went dark and a huge thunder hit the nearby nuclear powerplant. Oh dear said robot's mom - I guess we will have to get our grocieries elsewhere - as everything is kinda RADIATION POISONED NOW!... sorry mom what did you say? I wasn't listening - said baby robot playing a new edition of Mechemon GO!..... screw you, you little brat - said mom - and unscrewed his screws and things got screwed up.

It's like a revenge from the grave :D

Oh hai, I have just read your comments on reddit :) The idea with respawn timer bound to population is intriguing.

Yes it was me - although the artist also have the access to this account.

Ok if zoom isn't that important to you.

I haven't noticed that my app is in development mode - try now.

I turn bugs into games.

You will have to wait a while - redefińing keys is one of these things that sound easy but are actually not - especially to add when the game is already done.