Your comments

Only benefit I could see is if they could drop in to the same game together on the same team.  However there's no real mechanic that I've seen which allows people to join a specific game anyway.  You just get tossed into the first available.  


I'd like to see them have as much or maybe just like a LITTLE more HP than the rockets.  Those are hard to kill at close range but if ppl try to spam them long range you can shoot them down.  

This is a really bad idea for a weapon.  The default laser rifle is already OP.  You're basically asking for an even better one.  You'd think the increased Cone of Fire you suggest would help but it really doesn't.  Often times it plays to the attackers advantage.  Instead of having to anticipate someone's movement, lead them, and land a shot ... you just spray these weapons down range and rack up kills.  

The only guns you need in this game are the Flak Cannon and your default Laser Rifle.  Everything else is a downgrade.  That's a problem and the weapon you suggest would be even better than both of those guns.  

I'd rather everyone know than just a few who exploit it.  

Already a topic about this very subject with good ideas how to tune it... but yeah; it's OP.  It's stupid deadly at point blank and very deadly at even the longest distances.  A part of that is due to the base design.  Pellets fill the entire hall way; there's no where to run.. you either eat pellets with your shield or take hull damage.  It was less OP in the more open desert map; at least you could dash aside and avoid it.  

I've noticed if I roll over UI assets it stops my firing.  So if I'm just holding down LMB to fire the default laser rifle constantly and I roll over the scoreboard or a gun in the lower left it stops my firing.  

No thanks; it's not an RPG... we don't need to go collect stuff and fix our mechs.  It's a fast pace aggressive shooter.  

I don't really like this idea.  So now if you barely win a fight in close quarters... you still loose.  No thanks.  It's akin to how we used to be able to deploy mines when dead.  That did not improve the game experience.  In fact it made it worse and I feel this will too.