Your comments

No thank you.  Screen shake just makes it harder to aim.  It's a 3/4 overhead view anyway.. the whole map is shaking?  It's not like I'm in the cockpit.  It's almost like we're operating remote controlled frames.  

Yeah I wasn't sure; which is why I asked.  


I'm not certain it's deaths that were causing it until I saw his post and thought "oh, maybe that's what's causing it!"  Hence my comment.  The frame rate drop goes on for far longer than any death animation.  It's not like someone dies, FPS drops for a couple seconds, and it comes back.  Naw it would drop for a minute or so straight... sometimes getting worse or a little better... then I'd change from full screen and that would fix it.  So it didn't really seem related to anything... but maybe it is related to deaths.  There tend to be a lot of deaths around me.

Your point?

I'd like to see it have a capacitor for it's ammo supply that recharges when not being fired.  That way you can only spam like 5 to 8 shots before it's depleted and you have to recharge.  To me the biggest annoyance with the default Laser Rifle is that you can just hold down LMB and spam indefinitely.  There's just no chance to let your shield down and return fire.  With the guns cone of fire it's hard to avoid shots because they fill the whole corridor.  It's range seems a bit too far as well.  Not a lot but definitely too far.  

I know this feature says completed but the gun still seems like it's too much.  

Thanks!  I saw you had this site too after I made that post.  Thought it was more appropriate to share my thoughts here than a Reddit post which will inevitably sink into obscurity.  

I'm not spamming.  I'm sharing my opinions on the site specifically designed for this.  I had a bunch of things written down based on my experience and posted them.  Spam is unsolicited... feed back is asked for here.  

Not saying it's impossible to beat a Flak user.  What I'm saying is that it's disproportionately better in more than close range.  The game favors aggressive, close range, combat anyway (tight map, 'dashing', etc).  Trying to engage at long range isn't really any advantage.  You can still spam Flak down at people long range and be a lethal threat.  It's stupid easy to avoid long range precise weapons.  It's hard to avoid the Flak because it blooms out and takes up the whole corridor. 

Also I'd wager you're an above average player.  The majority of players just get dunked on by anyone playing aggressive + Flak.  

Not following your logic.  The Flack Cannon out performs all other weapons even if you try to play the same aggressive style... actually it out performs other weapons ESPECIALLY if you play aggressive against someone using the Flack.  However if you try to keep your distance and use something like the Railgun or Rocket Launcher you still don't stand a chance; I can spam them down the hall, strafe around avoiding your precise shots, and it doesn't matter how bad my aim is because the Flack fills the whole hallway.  No matter what some hit, each pellet does too much damage, and you will die or at best retreat.  Not to mention the Flak destroys the Rockets before they even get close.  

Flack Cannon (shotgun) is OP.  I'm not sure the Tesla needs a buff but I know for sure the Flak Cannon needs a nerf.