Your comments

I agree with Mac, at this moment when game is in beta, players not have much topics about which they can talk.

Hymm flak cannon also have very small  amount of ammo and you can always use shield when enemy shooting. With rockets/laser you can shot and shield, what is best for spammers.

This is small step for human, but for midget it's medium step.

Mines is very easy for dodge because you can use two different speed boosts. And because this is fresh game, new players must learn how avoid mines. 

For me mines works very good now and it is balanced.

This should be fixed :]

shotgun is very good only in close range/medium range and i not have problems with shotgun users. With good timing you can use shield, and shoot when enemy can't hurt you.

Yeah very good idea bro.

You can have right, even my post with bugs have dislike, and i not noticed anything bad in this post.

About which thing you talk?